Friday, November 16, 2012

A New Frosty is Coming to Town!

The cool weather is quickly approaching in Minnesota, so we were looking for some new craft ideas for winter!  After browsing around and finding many different snowmen made out of KraftyBloks, we decided to give it a try and make our own version!  

Our completed snowmen :)
This project was simple and fun.  You gotta love when you can gather all the materials start and complete a project in one evening!  Below we'll give you the step by step tutorial on how to make these cute little snowmen!

Materials & Tutorial

Most of the materials needed for this project are probably things you have laying around, which makes it cheap!  

Shopping List:
  • 1 KraftyBlok-Original Size ($11.99 @ Michaels)
  • 1 KraftyBlok-Mini Size ($9.99 @ Michaels)
  • Acrylic Paint (Black, Orange and White)
  • Small circle "sponge dobber" paint brush to make the buttons, eyes and mouth
  • Large circle "sponge dobber" paint brush to paint on the white
  • Regular Paint brush to paint on nose
  • 1 string of 100 ct. Christmas lights (Buy them on clearance after Christmas!  Always good to have these around)
  • 1/3 Yard of Flannel fabric
  • Glue Gun
**Note: We had no clue what KraftyBloks were before we started, and it seems, either do some of the employees at don't give up if they look at you funny when you ask for these! :) Don't forget your 50% off coupons for these!  We were not able to find the KraftyBloks @ Joann**


1. Put 3/4 of your string of lights in the larger block and about 1/4 of the string in the smaller block.  Don't forget to leave enough of the string outside of the block so that you will be able to plug it in.  We plugged ours in and made sure the squares were evenly lit.
Blocks with Xmas lights
2.  Use the large sponge paint brush to paint both of the blocks white.  In order to get the look we have, we "dobbed" the paint using a sponge paint technique.

Painted blocks with lights

3. Use hot glue gun to glue the two blocks together, ensuring that the plug in from the lights is situated the way you want it to be coming out of the block.

4. Use the smaller sponge paint brush to paint on the eyes, mouth and buttons and use a regular paint brush to paint the nose.  Get creative and do this however you'd like!  

Frosty's face and buttons completed

5. Sew a small hat for the snowman.  There is really no right or wrong way to do this!  We used this pattern and made it snowman sized and cut fringes on the top.  

Ta-da!  Completed product

We hope you like this idea and you'll make one of your own!  We'd love to see your pictures if you do!  Email them to us at

Happy Winter (almost!)

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