Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thursday Night Threads - How It All Started

Why Thursday nights? 

And who are these courageous crafters?

It all started in the winter of 2011. A Minnesota winter means blizzards, ice and below-freezing temps. Fresh out of college, we found ourselves facing our first winter in 17 years without school, homework or studying. But there never seems to be enough time between friends, boyfriends, work, mentoring, family, etc. So even though we are busy, we made an unspoken pact that Thursdays nights are our nights. Every Thursday, we meet up after work to craft, cook, relax and most importantly, just be friends. Our Thursday nights have become a sacred night that NO ONE dares disturb.

We are truly modern-day crafters. We both had limited crafting backgrounds, but through Pinterest, YouTube and craft blogs, we began to learn more and more. We could only handle pinning away our hopes and dreams for so long before we needed to start trying our new ideas. We made our first trip to Michaels and dove in head first to our crafting projects. Since then, we've been unstoppable. We bought glue guns, Mod Podge, cutters, sewing machines and more. Many mistakes were made. Many purchases returned. Many unplanned trips to the fabric store. But we don’t regret a single craft project.

Thursday Night Threads is our chance to give you some ideas, tips and lessons learned from our craft and sewing projects. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the launch of your blogspot! Looking forward to updates and project progress in the future!
